Man Mei To
Charcoal, graphite, pastel, pencil, oil pastel on archival print, candles, ceramics, white copper, aluminium, wood, switch button, sound recording: 7'31"
Dimension Variable

Hands (2020) is a series of photos thatthe artist drew over with pastel and charcoal, leaving just the hands. Two setsof photos are used in this process, one set consists of drawing over images ofdifferent politicians found on the internet, while the other sees the hands ofa pickpocket from Robert Bresson’s film, Pickpocket.The film, often compared to Dostoevsky’s Crimeand Punishment, is a story about a lonely intellectual who lived in anattic and believed he had the license, denied to common men, to commit crimes.By juxtaposing these images, the artist brings a sharp critique to our currentpolitical culture as a whole.